We specialize in sourcing goods and services for our clients, selecting suppliers and negotiating agreements. Once the agreements are in place, the clients typically deal directly with the supplier. SSG itself does not make any transactional purchases.
Our sourcing process consists of the following steps; Supplier identification and qualification, tender, negotiations and implementation.
- Suppliers are invited to qualify
- Suppliers activate all relevant departments and global resources, ensuring that they can deliver the feedback requested.
- Suppliers appoint a person to act as single point of contact.
- All suppliers submit their qualification papers.
- Submittals are ranked by quantitative and qualitative parameters.
- A number of suppliers are invited to participate in Step 2.
- The single point of contact at the supplier receives an invitation to bid.
- Suppliers re-activate all relevant departments and global resources.
- SSG issues a tender document containing a full Definition of Scope, Commercial and Legal Terms & Conditions, Cost Breakdown Form and Template for Response.
Depending on the complexity of the product/service, other information will be given Suppliers must comply with all formulated templates in the document(s).
- SSG evaluates the supplier’s capabilities, value creation, TCO and incurred benefits.
- Based on this evaluation, a number of suppliers are invited to participate in Step 3.
- Suppliers must attend the negotiation with a full mandate to commit to all negotiation points without delay.
- Product, price and place are agreed upon
- A Letter of Intent is signed
- Contracts are signed and implementation will start
SSG and the supplier(s) jointly plan and coordinate the roll-out.
This cooperation gives SSG and the supplier the opportunity to achieve optimum compliance with the agreement.
Through dialogue, SSG works towards long-term relationships by continuously improving the suppliers’ performance.
Suppliers may receive a debriefing, providing feedback on how to improve performance in the future.
SSG advises suppliers on how to customise performance to suit our clients which helps improve the suppliers service to similar large customers.