Strategic sourcing is the leading boutique consulting firm in Africa focused exclusively on Strategic Sourcing and procurement-related services. We partner with our clients to drive value creation by leveraging our mutual time, knowledge-base, sourcing experience and resources.
Strategic Sourcing is a process in which we harness the skills of the supply industry to best optimize sustainable and competitive advantages for our clients. Our process develops a secure and responsive supply base that is capable of providing quality, delivery, costs, technologies, flexibility and services to meet the current and future business needs of our clients. We have strategic sourcing solutions for businesses of all sizes.
Our cost reduction initiatives include supplier identification and qualification, strategic sourcing event management and negotiation with suppliers.
SSG provides On-Demand resources to support your organisation’s strategic sourcing initiatives. Whether you require resources, subject matter expertise, technology solutions, or access to critical marketplace data, we can assist you in any part of your procurement project.
Our goal is to help you obtain savings faster while improving all qualitative aspects of your relationships with your suppliers. Our services can be provided on a fee-for-service model, or you can lower your risk by choosing a contingency bases (gain sharing) plan.